"Glass Bead Games," a jewel in the treasury of Clifford Jordan's music, is now available on CD.

Sample the sounds that will warm your heart, soothe your soul, and remind you why Clifford Jordan was the Once and Future King of Be-Bop!

Powerful Paul Robeson


Glass Bead Games


Prayer To The People


Cal Massey


John Coltrane

Alias Buster Henry

Eddie Harris

One For Amos

Songs in Red were written or co-written by Cliff

Released on CD through Harvest Song Records (#HS2006-1), Glass Bead Games was originally released on LP in 1974 by Strata East (#19737/8), then re-issued in 1995 on Condominium Records.

Click here for a March 16, 2008 review from AllAboutJazz.com.

Better yet, purchase Glass Bead Games through MapleShadeStore.com.

For a tour of the musical history of Clifford Jordan, check out his discography.

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